Here at California Medicals, we offer one of the best and most effective alternatives to the conventional treatment for depression, called the Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy is an entirely non-invasive treatment commonly used to improve severe symptoms of depression. This treatment utilizes magnetic fields to trigger the brain's nerve cells to instantly curb any symptoms of depression, especially the life-threatening ones. It is not a conventional treatment as it cannot be used as the first line of treatment for depression; rather, it is used when all other routine treatments for depression fail.
Here at California Medicals, we have one of the best doctors who deliver TMS treatment to patients.
The doctor will put an electromagnetic coil surrounding your scalp near your forehead when you come in for the TMS treatment. This coil is used to administer a painless magnetic pulse that will, in turn, stimulate the nerve cells in the area of your brain, which is responsible for the symptoms of depression. Though even researchers are unsure of the complete mechanism of TMS therapy, they believe that this constant and slow electromagnetic pulse is responsible for activating the areas of the brain that have reduced the activity during the depression. There are various ways actually to execute the TMS treatment, and the experts here will deliver the treatment to you based on your individual case history.
Though there are generally very minimum risks of side-effects, unlike any other treatment, there are a few side-effects associated with this treatment. They mainly include:
Acute Headaches, A lot of pain, tenderness, discomfort in the scalp and at the site of electromagnetic stimulation. Muscle spasms, tingling and or twitching of the facial muscles, etc. But after seeking treatment here at California Medicals, the doctors will ensure that you have a regular follow-up. In case of any side effects, they will try to resolve them as soon as possible by prescribing medications.
To date, many patients have been successfully delivered TMS treatment here at California Medicals. On average, the success rate here is 80-90%.
You can be considered as an ideal candidate for TMS treatment if your depression could not be treated using the conventional treatment options; like:
You have already had more than one antidepressant without any significant results.
You have had experienced severe adverse side effects while being treated on antidepressants.
You are a kid or an adolescent. This is because the younger generation is more prone to developing severe adverse effects from antidepressants.